Privacy Policy


Coral food solutions is committed to protecting the privacy of our users and the information collected by or submitted to us on our website at The following statement explains the privacy policy of our Website and the manner in which information about you might be used by us, including your name, address, telephone number, and e-mail addresses.

Information collected from our Website may be used for different uses than currently or previously disclosed in our privacy policy. Any changes that are made to the privacy policy will be reflected on our Website.

This privacy policy is not applicable to any partners, advertisers, vendors or other third parties that appear on our Website or who link to or from our Website. Any and all information provided to these third parties is not subject to this privacy policy. Coral food solutions is not responsible for the use of any information provided to third parties and we encourage you to read the privacy statements of each and every Website that collects personally identifiable information.

By visiting our Website, you acknowledge and agree that you have read this policy and agree to the collection, use and other processing of your information in accordance with the practices described in this Policy. If you do not agree to all of the terms, conditions and practices set forth herein, do not access the Website or any of its pages.



Information Collection

We collect information when users register and/or place orders on our Website. This information may include, among other things, names, addresses, email addresses, and telephone numbers. The information collected on our Website is used to provide additional features and convenience to our users. Other information may also be collected for the use of analyzing and enhancing the performance of our Website. This information may include page views, computer IP addresses and other statistics.

Information Usage

The information collected by Coral food solutions is used to enhance the way our customers use our Website. We are always making improvements to our Website, and user information we collect allows us to provide our users with the best possible experience.

Coral food solutions may use your information to send offers and other information, or to request your participation in optional surveys, via U.S. mail, e-mail or telephone calls. All users have the ability during the registration process on our Website to opt-out from receiving such offers, and can also do so after receiving promotional e-mail from us. However, if you choose to opt-out of marketing or promotional communications, we reserve the right to contact you regarding technical support and any other matter that might affect our service to you, and/or your use of the Website, as applicable.

Coral food solutions may also provide nonpublic personal information to service providers such as financial entities, insurers, vendors and/or companies involved in the food services business. Your information may also be shared with companies that perform marketing services on behalf of Coral food solutions.

We also have the right to disclose any information about you or your use of our Website without your permission if we have good faith belief that it is necessary to protect and defend the rights, property or safety of us, other users of this Website, or the public and/or respond to claims that any content violates the rights of third parties. Additionally, your personal information may be used to comply with legal obligations, law enforcement inquiries or where reasonably necessary to protect life, health or property.

If at some point Coral food solutions is sold, merged into or otherwise transferred to or acquired by another entity, or if Coral food solutions goes out of business or enters bankruptcy, or re-organizes, your information that we have collected may be transferred to an affiliate or acquired by a third party in an asset sale or transfer.

Customer Contact & E-mail

The information you provide to us may be used to contact you via telephone or e-mail to provide you with information regarding your order status or other matters concerning customer service. Your information may also be used to inform you of special offers and promotions that can be redeemed at our Website or our various store locations.

Coral food solutions does not purchase share your e-mail address or other personal information to third parties. Any information provided to Coral food solutions will be used solely by our company and will not be sold, distributed or rented to third parties.


Coral food solutions will occasionally ask users to provide feedback via online or telephone surveys. Customer participation is voluntary and any information provided in these surveys will be used solely by Coral food solutions to improve our customer service and customer satisfaction and will not be shared with third parties.

Internet Browser Cookies

We use “cookies” to enhance the customer experience on our Website. Cookies are small text files that identify an individual computer’s browser entering a website or other information about a website user, and are stored on a user’s hard drive. They allow the site to track that browser’s movement through the site over several sessions.

Cookies allow our users to order faster and more efficiently by storing information such as your location and order information. Cookies also allow users to avoid having to log in more than once during one session on our Website. We may also use cookies to determine whether a user has registered on our Website, to improve performance for our users, to measure the effectiveness of our advertising and marketing campaigns, and/or to provide you information of potential interest to you. In addition to cookies, we may also use other technologies, such as image tags or GIFs, to track usage and access to features on our Website.

Users have the right to refuse to accept cookies when visiting our Website. Please be aware that if you choose to disable cookies on your internet browser, some portions of our Website may no longer function properly or may be disabled completely. Additionally, if you choose to accept cookies, but prefer to be informed when they are being used, you may turn on a warning indicating that a cookie is being stored on your computer. Please see your browser’s help or preferences section to disable cookies or to enable notifications of cookie activity.

Site Security

We have reasonable and appropriate security measures in place to attempt to protect against the loss, misuses, and alteration of your personally identifiable information under our control. We use industry standard encryption technologies when transferring or receiving private consumer data. However, no matter what security measures are taken, no system is completely impenetrable. We cannot guarantee the security of our Website or databases, nor can we guarantee that information you supply will not be intercepted while being transmitted to us over the Internet. We ask that you do your part by maintaining the strict confidentiality of any computer passwords you use to access the Internet or this Website.

Questions or Comments

If you have any additions questions or comments regarding Coral food solutions’ privacy policy and use of information, please e-mail us at [email protected].